
Homeschooling with a MISSION

Insider Peeks at Mission Academy using A Beka DVD


August 2018

Abeka Seatwork and Why we start at 7AM!


It’s Back to School and all those cute little pics are blowing up your feed. Our “posed” shots are coming soon, but the reality is that AbiNoelle is actually four weeks into her second grade year with Mrs. Chappell and the Abeka DVD program. Let me just say, this school year is off to a great start! So great that I wanted to share it with you all. It’s all thanks much in part to our routine change in two areas. I know, many of my homeschool friends are ready to faint at that word “routine,” but it works for us, and just maybe a few quick details might inspire you. Continue reading “Abeka Seatwork and Why we start at 7AM!”

RWS and the Princess Problem

Grandmother used to say to the idea of an afternoon drive, “Well, if you’ve seen one tree, you’ve seen them all!” Some might call this a practical view, maybe a sign of boredom, or even a glass-half-empty type of negativism. Really the diagnosis is simple – RWS! RWS? What? You haven’t heard of that one? Well, it’s definitely real, and I am here to tell you today that I have experienced it. Thankfully it is avoidable, but first, we need to talk about Princesses. Perhaps, we could even say, “Well, if you’ve seen one Princess, you’ve seen them all!”  BUT WAIT – there it is again – RWS! Maybe you have it and didn’t even know it! Let me explain… RWS is otherwise known as Continue reading “RWS and the Princess Problem”

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