What an important time! In the midst of life and ministry, we were chugging full steam ahead to finish up AbiNoelle’s 2nd Grade school year. (The beautiful weather was calling us outside!)I was busy and she came running in saying, “Quick, Mommy, I need help finding my special paper…Mrs. Chappell is teaching us cross stitching today.” My head immediately popped up and I turn full view to say, “Cross Stitch? Are you sure? What kind of special paper are you talking about?” My mind was quickly rushing through the days assignments and coming up with NADA for Cross Stitching. “Oh Mommy, you know, in writing, we’re going to take a word and write it down our paper [Light was beginning to dawn on me and a smile was creeping across my face] and then we come up with a word to go with each letter.”

Lovin’ this warm air!

Sister’s Swinging

“AbiNoelle, I think you mean, ACROSTIC not Cross Stitch.”

“Ah, yeah, Acrostic…that’s what I meant.”

What a chuckle we’ve had about that one. Mrs. Chappell has taught a wide variety this year, albeit, not Cross Stitching! AbiNoelle’s reading level has soared and we are pressed to keep good books supplied. Cursive writing along with an increased creative content as given us some treasured stories and journal logs for the keeping. Math facts abound and have challenged her each day – we have even seen some successful improvement in timed speed drills – Yea!! And History, Science, Health, Music, and Art made Activity time the most look forward to class of the day outside of Bible Time which AmiJoy loved to join in on. We are so thankful for the opportunity to provide and be actively involved in each days lessons. So with a hearty “Congratulations,” we gave a high-five to our new third grader and asked the all-consuming question – So, how do you feel? In that distinctly clear AbiNoelle tone, she said with a contented sigh, “Well… I just feel…so…accomplished! I mean, I did it all, and it’s done! I’m a third grader. I’m just afraid that come Monday morning, I’m going to get out of bed, put my clothes on and go on into the schoolroom because that’s been my routine for so long now (giggle, giggle), but I don’t have too…because I’m done – YEA!

I’m done!!

I’ve chewed on that response for a few days now. Accomplished….routine. I am thrilled that she can say that – that she did say that – that she feels that way. Having been involved in education in various positions for 25 or more years, I have seen the discouraged, dejected, unfulfilled, apathetic, and depressed student who has never experienced enjoyment in learning nor accomplishment in a task completed. Schools days hijacked by extra-curricular and extraneous. Consistent and prioritized learning a nuance. Unfinished books and untouched topics a fundamental practice. How awful to wake up in the morning to face another day in this gloriously creative world God has bestowed to us, depressed and anxious. What a joy to know that at age seven, AbiNoelle can skip through her summer days, knowing that – It’s done – she had a task, she enjoyed doing it, and she did it…and the best is yet to come!

Mommy special treat for the new third grader – Gluten and dairy free chocolate donuts!

The best? Well, she’ll get the idea soon, but for now, she is sure that no one could top her teachers she’s had so far. She was even wanting to know if Mr. Chappell taught school…or perhaps there was a Grandma or Grandpa Chappell that were teachers…because she was sure they could be as good as Mrs. Chappell! (Between you and me, I don’t think there will be any more “Chappell” teachers, but we’ll save that truth for another day).

For now, let summer break begin, even on this COLD, Rainy, Resurrection Weekend. #WeAreSoBlessed.