
Homeschooling with a MISSION

Insider Peeks at Mission Academy using A Beka DVD



Staff Missionaries for The Voice in the Wilderness. Homeschoolers. We are a family of four(read Our Story). We love the Lord, the King James Bible, and Standing for what is right!

Moments of Influence

Great things come in packages of 3…have you heard that? Maybe I just made that up because….

#1 – it’s 3 AM, I’ve been up hushing little one, and hoping good things are to come at this hour….

#2 – AbiNoelle just told me last night that she wasn’t worried because PopPop said he was sure that Jesus would come back before the year 3,000. (PopPop: did you say that?)….


#3 – We had a visit from 3 very special friends last night. Oh the joy to hold little Baker Lilly Duffy and fellowship with her Mommy and Daddy. When God dips his brush into the pot of grace and paints a life story, the testimony is unmatched, and what a blessing to be a small stroke of the brush in His uniquely designed masterpiece.

IHOP Fun – (left to right) Beka, AmiJoy, Baker Lilly Duffy, AbiNoelle, Baker’s Mommy

Many times our influence reaches farther than we could ever imagine. From sitting in IHOP to, now, my 3 AM reflections, the reward of influence comes into clear focus.

Little Baker’s Mommy was a little wisp of girl who had grown up in surroundings destitute of God’s love, yet miraculously had been saved as a young child and that simple faith guided her to a back row in church each Sunday as a single young lady. Through circumstances only God could orchestrate, He led the two of us to a table in IHOP that opened the door for a faithful year of discipleship. From depression, anxiety, and many destructive relationships, God reached out His loving hand and she took hold with that same faith that had saved her as a child. Last night, as we wiped the milk dribble and strawberry syrup from little fingers while our families enjoyed each other’s company, we were able to sit back in that same IHOP and see the GREAT reward of that moment of influence – an influence – a challenge to rise up and be the best you can be for God.

Providentially, at the table next to us in IHOP sat another family we had not fellowshipped with in years. As we quickly chatted and caught up on life happenings, we were reminded of a gift we had given their teenage daughter some ten or more years ago. That Bible given to her when she could just begin to read His Word is still by her bedside being used for each morning’s devotions. That moment of influence – an influence – a challenge to rise up and be the best you can be for God – no doubt, has the potential to make a difference reaching into eternity.

A blast from the past – more friends at IHOP
Playing Violin at Yard Sale

As we said our IHOP goodbyes to such special folks (I’m sure we had put on quite the entertainment for others who had stopped to simply eat a quiet meal – after all, we had talked and talked AND taken a silly amount of pictures AND heard AmiJoy’s rendition of her Bible verses and several other songs), our friends made the point to specifically encourage AbiNoelle to keep up her hard work with violin, Scripture memory, and Tweety-Pie lessons. They told her that she may not realize just how many people were watching her, but people were watching. What helpful words were those! We all need a reminder sometimes that our influence reaches far beyond what we might realize. In recent days, for AbiNoelle, that influence has been double-sided, you might say. In several unique situations, she has been given the opportunity to play her violin and portray Tweety-Pie (a character used in our ministry to teach on the Constitution and other Biblical lessons.) From “Nothing But the Blood” at the yard sale to “Angels We Have Heard on High” at the doctor’s office and hometown parade, the sweet melody of her violin has played a clear message of blessing and promise.

Portraying Tweety-Pie at Church Conference

To our amazement, her influence on others resulted in many encouraging words from complete strangers to keep up her efforts to learn the violin. AND NOT ONLY words of encouragement but monetary donations for her violin lessons fund. She now has raised nearly $500 for her next year’s lessons. No doubt, many of those who acted upon her influence do not realize how they have been used by the Lord to encourage a little girl and meet the need to further train to be used of the Lord, but we can certainly sit back and 3 AM and smile! That moment of influence – an influence – a challenge to rise up and be the best you can be for God will not be soon forgotten by AbiNoelle (or Mommy and Daddy).

In a world so obsessed with finding the next moment of validation for what is no more than a life filled with self-will instead of the will of God, self-respect instead of respect for God’s Authority, and self-trust instead of trusting in the Lord, we are thankful for those moments of influence – real influence that point us to a higher and closer walk with God.

Uncle Sam wanted his picture with the DAR duo!

AbiNoelle and I have had the privilege of tracing our heritage back to the days of the American War for Independence and in doing so, have been accepted into the DAR and CAR, respectively (Daughters of the American Revolution and Children of the American Revolution). While not an explicitly Christian organization, its foundation has been built on Biblical principles with its motto being “God, Home and Country.” The President General of the DAR is actively promoting the theme Rise and Shine for America! I like that word Rise. It indicates an upward, continual motion. I Corinthians 8:9 says, “But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.” Certainly, here in America and as a 21st Century Christian, we have many liberties not even imagined by those gone before. It is our duty, our responsibility, and should therefore be our passion to not abuse those liberties resulting in a backward motion or digression in faith and practice, but to use those liberties to pursue a higher, closer walk with Him. It is not admirable to validate people where they are, but only to encourage them to reach, to strive, to rise above where they are and be the best they can be for the glory of God. Many say, especially in the wake of shootings and other tragedies, that what the world needs is Jesus. But the truth is that the world will not see their need for Jesus or the difference that He can make in their life if someone doesn’t Rise. Surely, there are critics and naysayers and names will be called – goodie-two-shoes, holier-than-thou, better-than-something, one-up, better-than-your-betters, etc. Regardless, the call has been given to Rise up and Shine…whether that be in the patriotic sense for America…or in an eternal impact for our Saviour. Rise in your voting, serving, working, dressing, looking, talking, studying, witnessing. In all that you do, do all to the glory of God.

And doing, we have, which we pray has been all to the glory of God…


The Constitution Defender

IT’S HERE!! Tweety-Pie’s first-ever, one-of-a-kind, you’ve-got-to-have-it, BOOK – THE CONSTITUTION DEFENDER!

If you know anything about our family, you know that we love God and Country! Ministry and learning is a priority in our house. Today, we are excited to expand “Tweety-Pie’s” teaching efforts through this full-color, 32 page book designed to give an easy overview of all seven articles of the U.S. Constitution. God’s fingerprints are all over history, especially the founding of America. In this concise format, you will see His influence in the founding of our country and the writing of the our nation’s most important document. Use timelines, pictures, biographical sketches, and spiritual heritage facts to broaden your understanding…





We look forward to sending you a copy of our new book. You can request it at when you give a missions offering of $8 or more. (Check out our ministry vimeo channel for more details on our missions efforts.) Click the donate button to immediately give and receive your copy of The Constitution Defender!

Front and Back Cover Images (Don’t you just love the artwork! A former student of ours created the Tweety-Pie cartoon images used throughout the book. AbiNoelle thinks it is pretty neat to be a cartoon:)

Author Pics

Steve Lilly
Growing up in an Christian educator’s home meant taking learning-centered vacations that, to many, would be labeled “boring,” but, to Steve, proved to be inspiring. Memories are filled with taking afternoon drives, a weekend jaunt or a vacation to battlefields, museums, monuments, and other historic venues. This early appreciation for times past led Steve to pursue a History Major at Christian College. Today, his knack of remembering unique tales of history enrich his teaching opportunities, whether in a classroom or church setting, and his simple lessons given to his growing daughters. What joy to be able to repeat those history “vacations” now with his own family.  Truly HIStory has come alive for Steve from boyhood to adult.

Rebekah Lilly
“Carschooling” for many of her grade school years added depth to learning not experienced by most. Geography, people, and stories all brought a greater appreciation for those who have gone before to build the land we love today. With a desire to create a love for learning just as she had been given, Rebekah completed an Education degree at Christian College. A Master’s in History stretched her first-hand knowledge to include more details and deeper philosophical background, while her current pursuit of a doctorate enhances and further secures a strong foundation in Christian Education. Yet, by far, the most challenging has and will continue to be for some time, the homeschooling of her own children. As a Daughter of the American Revolution (DAR) member, Rebekah loves to research American history, and with an almost giddy intensity, she insists upon sharing her findings with the family. Americana, learning and an appreciation for all that God has given are contagious in the Lilly house.

AbiNoelle Lilly (a.k.a. “Tweety-Pie”)
Talking since she was born, a learning-lover, an avid Bible Memory student and all-around reader, AbiNoelle soaks up all that her Mommy and Daddy can teach. Following in her parents’ footsteps, she loves to travel, visit unique places, make new friends, and teach her little sister, AmiJoy, all she knows. Her PopPop (Dr. Ronnie Williamson, Evangelist for The Voice in the Wilderness) dubbed her “Tweety-Pie”, and now folks from all over follow her adventures on the Tweety-Pie Vimeo Channel, are challenged to memorize God’s Word with her, and are fascinated to learn the Truths of History in her Junior Tutor Classroom.

AmiJoy Lilly – Special Contributor through cooperation! Her “Joy” and energy is contagious.


Special Thanks
Much time, proofing, research, critique and review have been given by many, including Mr. Jeffrey A. Cobble (Attorney at Law), Dr. and Mrs. John Reese (Pensacola Christian College History and Education Faculty), The Eric Johns Family (Our dear friends and homeschoolers), and Miss Scarlet Jernigan (Ph.D. Candidate and friend). To them, we say a special “Thank You.” Additional thanks to our former student, Laurel Owenby, for using her talents to create the cover artwork and “Tweety-Pie” illustrations. We would also like to acknowledge the inspiration found through the ministry of Dr. Chuck Harding, Pastor T. Michael Creed, Dr. Ronnie Williamson and The Voice in the Wilderness, and a book greatly utilized and recommended, The Constitution Made Easy by Michael Holler. And, to all those revisionist, children’s history books, “thanks” for giving us the burning desire to send out the TRUTH.

You won’t be disappointed! Request your copy today!

Visit: for more information.

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Do Lilly’s WAIT or WORK?

WHOOO’s Waiting or Working?
Sampler Time in Third Grade Abeka Art

Let the learning begin! Wow! Third grade has really stepped up and AbiNoelle is soaking it all in. What a transition from second to third grade! Miss Heindel and the Abeka curriculum are not wasting any time TEACHING! From multiplication and division in math to inspirational stories and biographies in reading and history and an encyclopedia of facts in science, AbiNoelle is leaving the schoolroom everyday rich in learning.

Graphite and Magnets
Magnets & Water

Specifically in science, the hands-on activities explaining each new concept have kept up anticipation for future lessons. Already, we’ve made static, clouds, used investigating skills with a magnifying glass, and learned about balance using a yardstick. One lesson was especially memorable, not because of the experiment but the spiritual application. Miss Heindel taught the students about the two types of energy – waiting and working. As we reviewed this concept later, AbiNoelle explained that waiting energy was there, it was just ready and “waiting to be used,” while on-the-other-hand, “working” energy was busy and actively performing its task. So it’s like a lightbulb – a perfectly good, but un-used lightbulb is “waiting” to be used, but when you flip that switch, it then becomes “working” energy.

Daddy working with Printer in South America

Much the same it is as Christians. As Meme often says, “God sends seasons of ministry in our lives.” Some days are times of teaching, training, practicing, and learning. This is our waiting zone. It is our duty as followers of Christ to always be growing and filling our tool box with things we can use for God. In the eyes of a child, their days may always seem like endless “waiting” – always learning and never doing! The grass can for ever seem greener on the other side. For AbiNoelle, seeing Daddy and PopPop head off to missions in South America can be a source of disappointment as she sits back home and waits for her turn. Yet, as we have reminded her, how many 7-year-olds get to see Bibles from the printed page through collation, into the boxes by the thousands and given personally to the shipper for those waiting for God’s Word in the jungles?

Delivering Bibles to Shipper
Hard Work

Waiting or Working? No matter the season, we must be effective at both! Someone has said, “Joy is one of the most sought after and least understood things that should be found in the life of every Christian.” Joy can be found in every season…whether waiting or working! Each day, God has prepared gems of blessing ready to be sifted away from the dross of this world.

Recent days have presented our family with many precious gems.

Mommy’s friend Brandy and little Baker Lilly Duffy

What a precious blessing to be able to reunite, even if just for a moment, with our special friend Brandy and her family. Brandy was Mommy’s faithful discipleship partner for a year. We have laughed and cried and prayed and mostly studied God’s Word together. And through all this, God has moved in miraculous ways to give Brandy a beautiful life, and A+ husband, and the sweetest little girl, Baker Lilly Duffy. Next time we meet, Mommy promises to spend so much more time loving on that little namesake of hers, but for now, we wait and pray.

Another special blessing was walking in PopPop’s footsteps as he visited The WILDS Christian Camp where he accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour nearly 50 years ago. We are so thankful for those with vision and commitment to spend their lives serving and seeing lives changed for eternity’s sake.

Whether waiting or working, it is our desire to be happily content serving the Lord this day!

Should we “direct” them?

Is direction needed?

Three, four and… Let the strings begin. Our summer has been filled with the sweet melody (well, most of the time) of beginning violin. Truly, under the instruction of Dr. Jaffe and the Abeka Strings DVD program, learning violin for AbiNoelle (as opposed to Mommy’s first grade experience) has been music to our ears! After over 40 lessons, orchestra rehearsal sessions have begun, even including the wedding march, no doubt in honor of our 15th Wedding Anniversary this summer! With an orchestra, of course, comes a conductor, yet according to Dr. Jaffe, trial and significant error brought today’s view of the man and his baton. Apparently, in times past, the musicians gathered and played somewhat “together” as their own ears directed. Eventually, general concensus called for a conductor to create perfect harmony. Yet still, the conductor needed something that would insist upon a unified tempo amongst the instruments. Hence…..the BIG STICK. Seriously, can’t you just picture today’s finest orchestra playing a minuet to the thudding beat of a Moses-like staff! The turning tide, so the legend tells, is that a conductor, so intently stamped the beat that when he mistakenly hit his foot, the injury turned deadly.

The extreme’s of no direction to the BIG STICK brought us to today’s small but not insignificant baton that can draw a clear path to delightful sounds.

Extremes –

it seems, even in times past, man is constantly gravitating from one extreme to the other.

From the live-as-you-go to a schedule that will make the marines shudder….

From a hodge podge of books at the library to a syllabus listing hours of assignments…

From no make-up to the Jezebel look…

From the composed funeral dirge song time to hopping, swaying, and praising…

From Kentucky Fried to Keto-for-Life…

From couch potato to 5k…

From the “can’t throw it away” to the Marie Kondo’s Extreme Declutter…

Certainly, some ideas have their merit. Nonetheless, extremes are always out to yank us here and there, intending to consume us and many times bringing fatal consequences spiritually, emotionally or physically. I Corinthians 15:58 says, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. Philippians 4:5 reminds us to: Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand.

Thinking back to AbiNoelle’s K5 Abeka DVD days, Mrs. Reese said that “for the Lord” she just wanted to be “the same everyday” – Not meaning that she didn’t want to grow and improve, but simply that she wanted to be consistent not moody or unstable.

In this “extreme” world, this is our challenge for the 2019-2020 school: To be consistent, strong and abounding in our work for the Lord using proven tools in a balanced manner.

With that in mind, we continue on beyond a wonderful summer of travels, Spanish, violin, sewing, playing, book adventures, game time, etc. and welcome a new Abeka Academy school year with great anticipation and excitement.

The “big kid” days are upon us as AbiNoelle steps up into the real elementary-like classes with Miss Heindel. The all-new Abeka third grade curriculum offers excellent history biographies, lots of hands-on opportunities in Science, an adventure around every page in reading, “tons” of math concepts, awesome art projects, and life-challenging lessons in Bible. This biblical approach, high academic standards, and exciting learning method fits our school year goal to a “T.”

After day one, AbiNoelle said, “She’s (Miss Heindel) GREAT!” “I really like Math, but I really like Language too!” She is super excited about giving trial spelling tests a try and can’t wait for art time on Friday. Spanish, violin and sewing continue only in smaller segments, and Tweety-Pie Junior Tutor is full-steam ahead as we edit upcoming video lessons and look for our new book, The Constitution Defender, to arrive from the printer soon!

And, not to be forgotten, AmiJoy thinks she can do anything big sister can. Her busy little self enjoyed the first days of school by singing in Bible time, coloring on the chalkboard, working on her colors, and trying out AbiNoelle’s preschool desk. Her “JOY” interrupts regularly, but is learning to keep her hands busy in her own “school” space.

So….here we go…

not as a lost orchestra

not with the thud of a BIG STICK

but movement by movement directed by THE MASTER CONDUCTOR’s baton.

Life, under His direction, will have its high notes and low notes, yet complete a beautiful song.

Abeka Academy 2nd Grade Cross Stitch Lessons

What an important time! In the midst of life and ministry, we were chugging full steam ahead to finish up AbiNoelle’s 2nd Grade school year. (The beautiful weather was calling us outside!)I was busy and she came running in saying, “Quick, Mommy, I need help finding my special paper…Mrs. Chappell is teaching us cross stitching today.” My head immediately popped up and I turn full view to say, “Cross Stitch? Are you sure? What kind of special paper are you talking about?” My mind was quickly rushing through the days assignments and coming up with NADA for Cross Stitching. “Oh Mommy, you know, in writing, we’re going to take a word and write it down our paper [Light was beginning to dawn on me and a smile was creeping across my face] and then we come up with a word to go with each letter.”

Continue reading “Abeka Academy 2nd Grade Cross Stitch Lessons”

A $30,000 Bill and Blessing

Really God’s Blessings are innumerable and generally much more than a financial spreadsheet can show. However, today, we want to stop and take note of the numbers. Surrounding the sparks of this coming 4th of July, we plan to celebrate 15 – WOW 15 – years of serving the Lord together in ministry as a married couple.

The White House

Our family working on a special ministry project in D.C.

Just about all of that time has been spent in mission work, where God has opened various tentmaker doors to meet our needs. Over the years, some of those jobs have included a benefits package, while others were simply an hourly wage. Without bogging the blog with details, our healthcare provisions have run the gamut of traditional insurance to the ministry-based sharing network of Christian Healthcare Ministries. We have been subject to the “approved network” and now judiciously choose our care based on what is best for our family members.

In 2011, we were sent a surprise blessing – AbiNoelle. Under typical 80/20 insurance, our deductible was high, doctor’s bills were upfront and a huge chunk of change to us, and the final balance seemed incredibly daunting in the midst of keeping up with the regular monthly insurance premiums. Of course welfare style options were encouraged by the hospital finance department, but we trusted the Lord to help us pay what we owed. Amazingly, after some time of consistent payments, the hospital offered to reduce our $10,000 dollar balance to mere pennies allowing us to completely pay the account in full. We praised the Lord!

After seven years, typical doctor bills, but extravagant premiums to companies that continuously increased support to anti-biblical sources, we researched and submitted our application to Christian Healthcare Ministries. Under this sharing system, a network of believers join together in prayer and financial support to meet healthcare needs. Shortly after joining, the unexpected came as we entered the OBGYN and heard that AbiNoelle’s prayer for a baby sister would be answered! We were so excited….and then reality struck with all the “self-pay,” upfront, hundreds of dollars owed. Then, time revealed another c-section would be planned. We called to receive a projected cost from the hospital and were given incredible figures well over $20,000. How would this ever work? Following the guidelines of CHM, we asked for self-pay prices and discounts if we paid in full at the time of service and we began paying and submitting receipts to the CHM office. What an absolute relief! – Through the CHM network our final cost of nearly $30,000 was completely paid. Now as we wade through a current health challenge, we have been able to confidently assure the doctors that each bill will be paid in full in a timely manner without the offered government aid. The Lord truly is faithful to those who seek after Him.

Take note that the more you delve into healthcare, it is an eye-opening learning curve. Do your research, seek counsel, make the wisest, most biblically centered choice and rest in His care for you and your family. God will provide!

Photo by Pixabay on

For More Information on CHM visit:

To easily apply (Using this link will help our family):

Do we Google?

No, I can’t believe it. No, I refuse to believe it! But AbiNoelle said that I must believe, or, rather, “Whether you believe it or not, Mommy, it’s true!” (That kind of reminds me of the kid’s song that I used to sing all the time, “God said, and I believe it, and that settles it for me.” Of course, the preacher reminds us that whether WE believe it or not… God said it and THAT settles it!) Well, here I am in that very predicament. Whether I believe it or not, AbiNoelle’s

Continue reading “Do we Google?”

KJV Card Designer with a Cherry on Top!

The assignment was given! The young people were challenged to complete an at-home project creating a hand-made Christmas card that shared the gospel message. ANDDDD she was off! – Not to the races, but to her creation station. Cardstock, glue, glitter (YIKES – says Mommy), markers, pens, and a few ideas from Google and you’ll never guess what happened!

Continue reading “KJV Card Designer with a Cherry on Top!”

Footsteps and the Cat’s Business

Fun in the snow

Stepping out to a crunch, our breath was deep and clear and soon rosy cheeks matched the sparkle that twinkled from the fresh laden snow to the laughing eyes of us all as we ventured up and down hills, climbed through fallen trees, and flew with the sled over newly made trails. God’s creation is awesome and full of lessons about Him. HIS faithfulness enveloped us as we hiked, pointing out special promises over each footstep. It all started with AbiNoelle trudging along behind us….I’m sure you can hear it now, “But Mommy…”

Family hike in the snow

“Just step in Daddy’s footprints,” I instructed from ahead. Glancing back, a few times, I questioned, “Are you walking in Daddy’s footsteps? It will be easier if you do.” You see, Daddy was stomping down the thorny vines, breaking down overhanging limbs, watching out for rocks and holes that might cause a fall – he was making the perfect path. Just like our Heavenly Father, who knoweth THE WAY long before we can see it all, prepares and directs our steps. If only we would just follow Him step by step, we could avoid the pitfalls of this world that may cause us trouble or harm.

With slight exasperation, she called out, “I’m trying to, Mommy, but…sometimes…his footsteps…well, I just have to stretch so far to reach them!” 

And so it is with our Heavenly Guide. Knowing all that we can handle and are capable of, He purposefully stretches us to reach the place He’d have us be. The challenge of His plan builds our trust and grows our faith in His perfect leadership in our life.

As we weaved through the brush, Mommy and AbiNoelle soon fell out of step with Daddy’s trail and ventured toward a shortcut, but, uh-oh, look-out! Those tangles of vines! We thought we could just force our way through, the vines would brake against our force, and we could rejoin Daddy. But, No-No! Those vines, though brown and dead looking, were strong, thorny, and could not be broken. Back-tracking we went, to Daddy’s steps and the more sure way.

Isn’t that just like us! To think we know the best way and plow ahead of God’s WAY only to find out the hard way that our way was poor and His WAY best.


As we came into the clearing, Porkchop (the family cat), who had previously been crying and pouncing around, wondering what had happened to bring all this white, cold stuff, stopped right in the middle of our trail, in between Daddy and AbiNoelle. So do we like to get all flustered by the unexpected and just flutter around in confusion, crying and worrying, and wondering what we should do. Well, this cat’s abrupt stop, quickly brought a guttural gasp from AbiNoelle as he did his business right in plain view! Yuck! What a distraction from the trail. This ole world daily “drops” distractions into our path, and, sadly, many times, the Devil wins out, we stop looking to the Guide, we fall off the STRAIGHT WAY, and we become fixated on the scene before us.

AmiJoy with Daddy

Once we moved beyond “the cat’s business,” our look forward showed AmiJoy, safe in Daddy’s arms, along for the ride, and far ahead of us. Wouldn’t it be just great if we could remember that we are just along for a ride that can be pleasing to Him, while knowing that this world is not our home and we’re just a’passin’ through. What a promise to rest in the truth that He will carry us even down the toughest of roads.

That sledding sure tires a body out!

As we paused for a rest, Porkchop (yes, the cat) found a dry spot to sit. By this point, AmiJoy’s fun was coming to an end as she began to droop from our trek. We all turned to head home – all but the cat. He had found his dry spot and wasn’t willing to give it up to trudge back into the cold. Oh, how we do the same! We get into that comfort zone and aren’t willing to give it up to follow the Master. “He’ll come home when it’s dinner time,” we told AbiNoelle. Yes, the dry spot will eventually be left, but instead of following us home, Porkchop will now have a colder, lonelier, darker trip home. Many times, our Father does allow us to choose our own way, and even though that journey may lead us home, the WAY was not His plan, His choosing, or His will. Sadly, we missed the best!

The Broken Way (Lots of clean-up required)

Oh, that we might daily see and choose each footstep created just for us, for truly, His way is Perfect.

HIS way is best!

Footsteps and the Cat’s Business

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