
Homeschooling with a MISSION

Insider Peeks at Mission Academy using A Beka DVD


September 2019


The Constitution Defender

IT’S HERE!! Tweety-Pie’s first-ever, one-of-a-kind, you’ve-got-to-have-it, BOOK – THE CONSTITUTION DEFENDER!

If you know anything about our family, you know that we love God and Country! Ministry and learning is a priority in our house. Today, we are excited to expand “Tweety-Pie’s” teaching efforts through this full-color, 32 page book designed to give an easy overview of all seven articles of the U.S. Constitution. God’s fingerprints are all over history, especially the founding of America. In this concise format, you will see His influence in the founding of our country and the writing of the our nation’s most important document. Use timelines, pictures, biographical sketches, and spiritual heritage facts to broaden your understanding…





We look forward to sending you a copy of our new book. You can request it at when you give a missions offering of $8 or more. (Check out our ministry vimeo channel for more details on our missions efforts.) Click the donate button to immediately give and receive your copy of The Constitution Defender!

Front and Back Cover Images (Don’t you just love the artwork! A former student of ours created the Tweety-Pie cartoon images used throughout the book. AbiNoelle thinks it is pretty neat to be a cartoon:)

Author Pics

Steve Lilly
Growing up in an Christian educator’s home meant taking learning-centered vacations that, to many, would be labeled “boring,” but, to Steve, proved to be inspiring. Memories are filled with taking afternoon drives, a weekend jaunt or a vacation to battlefields, museums, monuments, and other historic venues. This early appreciation for times past led Steve to pursue a History Major at Christian College. Today, his knack of remembering unique tales of history enrich his teaching opportunities, whether in a classroom or church setting, and his simple lessons given to his growing daughters. What joy to be able to repeat those history “vacations” now with his own family.  Truly HIStory has come alive for Steve from boyhood to adult.

Rebekah Lilly
“Carschooling” for many of her grade school years added depth to learning not experienced by most. Geography, people, and stories all brought a greater appreciation for those who have gone before to build the land we love today. With a desire to create a love for learning just as she had been given, Rebekah completed an Education degree at Christian College. A Master’s in History stretched her first-hand knowledge to include more details and deeper philosophical background, while her current pursuit of a doctorate enhances and further secures a strong foundation in Christian Education. Yet, by far, the most challenging has and will continue to be for some time, the homeschooling of her own children. As a Daughter of the American Revolution (DAR) member, Rebekah loves to research American history, and with an almost giddy intensity, she insists upon sharing her findings with the family. Americana, learning and an appreciation for all that God has given are contagious in the Lilly house.

AbiNoelle Lilly (a.k.a. “Tweety-Pie”)
Talking since she was born, a learning-lover, an avid Bible Memory student and all-around reader, AbiNoelle soaks up all that her Mommy and Daddy can teach. Following in her parents’ footsteps, she loves to travel, visit unique places, make new friends, and teach her little sister, AmiJoy, all she knows. Her PopPop (Dr. Ronnie Williamson, Evangelist for The Voice in the Wilderness) dubbed her “Tweety-Pie”, and now folks from all over follow her adventures on the Tweety-Pie Vimeo Channel, are challenged to memorize God’s Word with her, and are fascinated to learn the Truths of History in her Junior Tutor Classroom.

AmiJoy Lilly – Special Contributor through cooperation! Her “Joy” and energy is contagious.


Special Thanks
Much time, proofing, research, critique and review have been given by many, including Mr. Jeffrey A. Cobble (Attorney at Law), Dr. and Mrs. John Reese (Pensacola Christian College History and Education Faculty), The Eric Johns Family (Our dear friends and homeschoolers), and Miss Scarlet Jernigan (Ph.D. Candidate and friend). To them, we say a special “Thank You.” Additional thanks to our former student, Laurel Owenby, for using her talents to create the cover artwork and “Tweety-Pie” illustrations. We would also like to acknowledge the inspiration found through the ministry of Dr. Chuck Harding, Pastor T. Michael Creed, Dr. Ronnie Williamson and The Voice in the Wilderness, and a book greatly utilized and recommended, The Constitution Made Easy by Michael Holler. And, to all those revisionist, children’s history books, “thanks” for giving us the burning desire to send out the TRUTH.

You won’t be disappointed! Request your copy today!

Visit: for more information.

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Do Lilly’s WAIT or WORK?

WHOOO’s Waiting or Working?
Sampler Time in Third Grade Abeka Art

Let the learning begin! Wow! Third grade has really stepped up and AbiNoelle is soaking it all in. What a transition from second to third grade! Miss Heindel and the Abeka curriculum are not wasting any time TEACHING! From multiplication and division in math to inspirational stories and biographies in reading and history and an encyclopedia of facts in science, AbiNoelle is leaving the schoolroom everyday rich in learning.

Graphite and Magnets
Magnets & Water

Specifically in science, the hands-on activities explaining each new concept have kept up anticipation for future lessons. Already, we’ve made static, clouds, used investigating skills with a magnifying glass, and learned about balance using a yardstick. One lesson was especially memorable, not because of the experiment but the spiritual application. Miss Heindel taught the students about the two types of energy – waiting and working. As we reviewed this concept later, AbiNoelle explained that waiting energy was there, it was just ready and “waiting to be used,” while on-the-other-hand, “working” energy was busy and actively performing its task. So it’s like a lightbulb – a perfectly good, but un-used lightbulb is “waiting” to be used, but when you flip that switch, it then becomes “working” energy.

Daddy working with Printer in South America

Much the same it is as Christians. As Meme often says, “God sends seasons of ministry in our lives.” Some days are times of teaching, training, practicing, and learning. This is our waiting zone. It is our duty as followers of Christ to always be growing and filling our tool box with things we can use for God. In the eyes of a child, their days may always seem like endless “waiting” – always learning and never doing! The grass can for ever seem greener on the other side. For AbiNoelle, seeing Daddy and PopPop head off to missions in South America can be a source of disappointment as she sits back home and waits for her turn. Yet, as we have reminded her, how many 7-year-olds get to see Bibles from the printed page through collation, into the boxes by the thousands and given personally to the shipper for those waiting for God’s Word in the jungles?

Delivering Bibles to Shipper
Hard Work

Waiting or Working? No matter the season, we must be effective at both! Someone has said, “Joy is one of the most sought after and least understood things that should be found in the life of every Christian.” Joy can be found in every season…whether waiting or working! Each day, God has prepared gems of blessing ready to be sifted away from the dross of this world.

Recent days have presented our family with many precious gems.

Mommy’s friend Brandy and little Baker Lilly Duffy

What a precious blessing to be able to reunite, even if just for a moment, with our special friend Brandy and her family. Brandy was Mommy’s faithful discipleship partner for a year. We have laughed and cried and prayed and mostly studied God’s Word together. And through all this, God has moved in miraculous ways to give Brandy a beautiful life, and A+ husband, and the sweetest little girl, Baker Lilly Duffy. Next time we meet, Mommy promises to spend so much more time loving on that little namesake of hers, but for now, we wait and pray.

Another special blessing was walking in PopPop’s footsteps as he visited The WILDS Christian Camp where he accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour nearly 50 years ago. We are so thankful for those with vision and commitment to spend their lives serving and seeing lives changed for eternity’s sake.

Whether waiting or working, it is our desire to be happily content serving the Lord this day!

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